Broadband 100Mbps
Broadband 250Mbps
Broadband 500Mbps
Broadband 1Gbps
- 24/7 Broadband Service Help Desk
- Using a router multiple computers or devices can share monthly service at no additional charge.
Worry Free WiFi $5.95/month
Protection under this plan begins immediately after you sign up.
- Increased wireless coverage in the home and an additional access point provided if necessary.
- Customized SSID & password.
- Assistance with WiFi connectivity issues.(some restrictions apply.)
- 24/7 phone support.
- No charge if need to go to residence for assistance for WiFi issues.
Broadband Facts
If You’re Having Trouble Paying Your Bill:
You may be eligible for assistance. Minnesota’s Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP) offers a monthly credit on your landline telephone service.
Minnesota’s Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP) and Federal Lifeline offer monthly discounts on landline telephone and broadband internet service.
Who Is Eligible?
There are income guidelines for the programs. Your income must be at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines. If you are enrolled in Lifeline, you qualify for TAP. You qualify if you are in one of these qualifying programs; Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SNAP or food stamps, SSI, Veterans Pension or Survivors Pension Benefit. Telephone service must be in your name to qualify for the credit. There are additional qualifying programs for people who live on a reservation.
If you are enrolled in Medicaid or Federal Public Housing Assistance you will be automatically enrolled in Lifeline each year. If you are enrolled in the other programs or qualify because of your income, USAC will send you a form to recertify to keep Lifeline. If you are enrolled in Lifeline, you will remain enrolled in TAP and do not need to reapply to TAP.
How do I apply?
For more information or to apply: